Bulletin Board

Garland County Audubon Society

  • Education through scholarships for Arkansas Audubon Society Halberg Ecology Camp (5th and 6th graders)
  • Speaking engagements for local garden groups, Garland County library programs
  • Educational programs through our monthly meetings
  • Educational outreach through the Garland County Master Gardener Program, Diamond Lakes Naturalist Program, Arkansas Native Plant Society
  • Involvement with Audubon Arkansas and National Audubon Society


Membership dues are $20 per calendar year per person and are paid to the local treasurer. Funds are used for conservation and educational purposes, and for other purposes as approved by GCAS members in regular meetings or by email vote.

Photos from Members

  • Dickcissel in Flight
    Photo by Jennifer Walsh

  • Pelicans, Lake Catherine
    Photo by Ellen Carpenter

  • Red-shouldered Hawk in the snow
    Photo by Sister Mary Thomas O'Keefe

  • Indigo bunting and White Crowned sparrow
    Photo by Judy Larson

  • Red Shouldered Hawk, Feb 2022, Comanche
    Photo by Jerry Butler

  • White-crowned Sparrow
    Photo by James Hall

  • Reflection in the water, Bald Eagle at Lake Catherine
    Photo by Ellen Carpenter

  • Eastern Bluebird
    Photo by Marion Ball

  • Greater Yellowlegs at Lake Hamilton during 2022 Christmas Bird Count
    Photo by David Seals

  • Northern Cardinal, male
    Photo by Judy Larson

  • Cooper's Hawk
    Photo by David Seals

  • Orchard Oriole Sept 09 2023 Treasure Island Lake Ouachita
    Photo by Marie Lundry

  • American Goldfinch 22 02 04 Cedar Creek Rd
    Photo by David Seals

  • Carolina Wren, 23 02
    Photo by Bill Sorrels

  • Carolina Wren "Passion"
    Photo by Janet Criswell


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