Monthly Meetings

Upcoming & Past

Arkansas Audubon Society has semi-annual conventions at varying sites around the state. Check their site to see what is scheduled.

Upcoming Meetings

Regular meetings are held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3819 Central, on the second Thursday at 7:00 pm; except for July and August.  Meetings are open to the public. 

Click header for details
Mar 13  Lawson Priess will discuss protecting the planet and feeding the nation. 7:00 PM
Lawson Priess will discuss protecting the planet and feeding the nation.

Lawson Priess, PhD, found his passion for agriculture during high school while working a cattle ranch in the Texas Panhandle. He graduated from Stephen F. Austin University, with a B.S. in Agronomy, then worked as a crop scout and independent research assistant, and interned for DuPont in Arkansas. He completed his Ph.D. in Weed Science from the University of Arkansas in 2021. He has received multiple awards for his academic and research achievements in crop, soil and environmental science. He will be speaking to the Garland County Audubon Society about how farmers and environmentalists can work together to achieve the important goals of protecting the planet and feeding the nation. He will also entertain questions about the regulation of diacambia, the controversial herbicide.

Past Meeting Summaries

Oct 2023
May 2023
Apr 2023

Spencer Weitzel, US Fish and Wildlife Biologist, shared with us his Master level research on Tidal Bird Surveys along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. His discussion was primarily on the rails in the areas. His wife, Abby, accompanied him. She is a Biologist with the Forest Service at the Mt Ida station. She will pbe presenting the program in April.